Best Bircher Breakfast ever

Homemade Bircher muesli is a traditional Swiss breakfast which far surpasses any store bought cereal no matter what it says on the label. Here is a recipe that was passed on to me recently and now it's become a favourite of this family, although Darling Daughter reckons no-one would ever make it going on the before photo above, tomorrow morning it will be all soaked and simply wonderful for the taste buds and waistline. Keeps quite well for 4-5 days covered in the refrigerator.

250g rolled oats
375g of yogurt ( I use homemade vanilla yogurt)
200ml milk
100g honey
100g sultanas
1-2 grated green apples

Place all ingredients in a bowl, mix, cover and refrigerate overnight. Serve in with fresh fruit and sprinkle of cinnamon, it's amazing how filling this breakfast is. Give it a go you won't be sorry.

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